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1 in 4 drownings in the UK are linked to alcohol. As a brand predominately enjoyed on beach holidays and by water, Malibu Rum had a responsibility to raise awareness and drive meaningful change.
So we joined forces with Tom Daley (National treasure, famous for Olympic diving and knitting) Made with Love (Tom’s knitwear brand) and the Royal Life Saving Society UK, to make knitted merch with a simple message, 'Don't Drink and Dive'

Instead of relying on paid media, we launched when the conversation around Tom was at its highest; the conclusion of the Paris 2024 Olympics, and the announcement of his retirement (which came the day before our campaign went live).
Items were sold on and sold out within an hour.

We then made 'Daley Reminders'.
It got onto Sky News and ITV and was featured in 200+ news stories including articles in GQ, The Times, Wonderland, BBC, The Daily Mail and Australia!

Then we put Tom's pair of speedos on eBay.
Bids reached £10K+ and a load of places wrote about it.

And there were bum billboards where the highest drunk water accidents occur.
From Brighton to Newcastle, Manchester, the Lake District and Durdle Door.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
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